Friday 8 September 2017

A House Won't Sell In A "HOT" Real Estate Market: Post #3

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A Texas dreamer has a waking dream that won’t leave. She’s trying to sell her late mother’s home with no luck. She and I go through the process of dream interpretation to see what this dream’s all about. Today, I have reassembled her dream using her own metaphoric associations from her dream's symbols. As much as possible, I am using her own words. I am also adding phrases like, “There’s a part of me” and “inside myself” to remind her that all her dream symbols are facets of herself.

Metaphorically reassembled dream
There is a part of me that is a big metropolitan area with lots of diversity. Of course, this part of me has that Texas feel to it—highly independent and pretty stubborn, too. There is plenty of bigotry, but most parts of me who come here for the first time are also surprised by the degree of openness, diversity and cultural richness. Really, if I look for it, I can find just about anything here inside of myself I am interested in.

And in this part of me, there is a place where I can try to change where I live. I can change my protective base and where I have my most intimate, personal belongings, memories and keepsakes. One part of me is done with this protective base and another part of me is, hopefully, interested in it. If I hand it off to another part of me, it can benefit from being there.

There is rapid movement and exchange going on here, and at the moment, it’s easiest for the part of me who wants to be done with this protective place and to pass it on to another part of me. All the other parts of me have opted out of the process for one reason or another. The exchange is all up to me, and I feel the weight on my shoulders.

This protective base inside of me belonged to the aspect of myself who brought me into this life, nurtured me and set me on the straight path. We had a good relationship. Well, this protective base is gorgeous and in great shape. But strangely, it’s not “me.” I don’t identify with it. I go there, admire its beauty, but feel strangely detached from it. Usually, in this kind of exchange, aspects of myself would be competing to acquire the protective base. Parts of me would keep upping the ante so that they could be the ones to live there. But there’s no activity. There’s not even any interest inside of me.

The aspect of myself who brought me into this life and nurtured me died in this protective space, and whenever that happens, there tends to be personal energy left behind. I cleared it all out so that the place is neutral for any new aspect of myself coming in.

Initial thoughts
If you step back as you read and look at the dream’s metaphoric statement, it becomes clear: The dreamer has outlived a part of her old self, one that was her “protective base” and no parts of herself want to “live there.” Maybe it’s time for change. We’ll ask her tomorrow.

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