Wednesday 30 August 2017

When Two People Have The Same Dream: Post #2

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On Monday I began a series of posts about the phenomenon of two people sharing the same dream. I pointed out two types of experiences. One type is exemplified by my own grandchildren—among thousands of others—who are closely bonded siblings. There have been repeated occasions when one of them has shared a dream, only to discover that the other sibling had the identical dream on the same night.

The other type of experience is one where the imagery came during the day while the two “dreamers” were awake and going about their normal affairs. I used the famous example of the nineteenth century composer, Felix Mendelssohn, and his equally-musical sister, Fanny, who independently of one another, wrote the same piece of music.

In closing last Monday, I once again quoted the philosophical cornerstone of my book, Always Dreaming: Whatever you perceive, is you.

We are frequently flummoxed when life doesn’t follow the rules that we arbitrarily expect of it. Most of us are convinced that life is an objective experience, and as such, it should follow a predicable pattern. Often life does follow such a pattern, but only when doing so is convenient, given its main reason for functioning. But when life’s main reason for functioning—which has nothing to do with objectivity—is better served by doing something that breaks OUR OWN SELF-IMPOSED rules, it has no qualms about veering in any direction that suites its purpose.

What is its purpose? As just stated, life is not primarily a series of objective, logical events. Rather, life is a communication through metaphor. Everything we perceive through our five physical senses, all of our emotions, all of our thoughts, all of our intuitive understandings, in short, anything we are aware of, is part of a perpetual series of metaphoric images. These images are designed to do primarily one thing: show us to ourselves so that we can more clearly understand our personal motivations and self-defeating behavior patterns. If we can learn to understand these communications—through a process of “translating” the metaphors into our spoken language—we will discover that there is not a single moment in our entire lives when we are ignored by a vast benevolent force that wants nothing more than to assist us.

This communication goes on with equal rigor whether we are asleep or awake. In fact, the source of the communication uses our false expectations of an objective life to emphasize important messages it wants to deliver. What follows is a hypothetical example:  A businessman (or woman) takes the same route to work every day and has been doing so for years. Then, one day, during the standard commute, this person discovers that an amateur driver of a huge recreational vehicle has gotten himself into trouble by backing up into an awkward spot. The RV is now stuck in such a way that it is straddling the road and no one can get past. The businessman is late to work and has missed an important meeting.

Is this an objective experience? On one level, yes. But it is also a metaphor—an important one because it caused a disruption in the predicted, “objective” pattern of life.

More on Friday.


I am starting an 8-week class in dream interpretation to be held in Springfield, Oregon. Click on the “EVENTS” page for details.

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