Friday 1 April 2016

Simultaneous Waking Dreams About A Cell Phone And Laryngitis: Post #3

A dreamer named Mike has a pair of waking dreams while on his way to speak at a conference. At first it seems that the two dreams have no relationship to each other, but the connection soon becomes apparent. You can scroll to my last post to review the analysis he and I did on his first dream—about a broken cell phone. Today we’ll look at the second dream.

Mike’s second waking dream
I was coming down with a really bad case of laryngitis. I could barely whisper, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to give my talk plus hold the workshop I was scheduled to facilitate.

Analyzing Mike’s second dream
Using the neutral question “Tell me about it” we’ll see what kinds of metaphors he comes up with.

Tell me about…
*  Laryngitis:  I can’t talk, so I’ll have difficulty communicating my message.
*  Whisper:  Everything is stated in a hushed way, like you’re trying to keep a secret.
*  Give my talk:  I was supposed to present some new ideas to a large group of interested people.
*  Facilitate a workshop:  I’m supposed to train others in implementing some new concepts and procedures.

Mike’s two dreams restated metaphorically
It was time to metaphorically reassemble Mike’s dream. I will include his first dream as well. As you read the two interpretations in tandem, notice the striking similarities. Even though one dream was originally about a broken cell phone and the other was about a case of laryngitis, the metaphoric themes are clearly related.

First dream
I am in a place inside myself that is a gathering of all the people that live in me, all with the same interest. I am going to introduce the main theme of this gathering to all the parts of me present. We’re all in an attractive place inside of me and we want to be there. I’ve arrived via a small, local terminal, and I’m waiting for my own convenient courtesy to help me get back and forth easier. But the part of me I use to talk with everyone and make plans and stay in touch isn’t working. I miss the convenient courtesy. It left me behind and I was a long time getting to my temporary accommodation.
Second dream
I am in a place inside of me where I can’t talk, so I’ll have difficulty communicating my message. Everything I do within me is stated in a hushed way, like I’m trying to keep a secret. I was supposed to present some new ideas to a large group of interested parts of myself. I’m also supposed to train other parts of myself in implementing some new concepts and procedures.

It’s as if the second dream is a continuation of the themes introduced in the first dream. In the first dream, he mentions that his method of “staying in touch” isn’t working. In the second dream, this issue becomes the central theme.

Tomorrow we’ll learn what this is all about.

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